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Custom Designs

For Solumbra by Sun Precautions

During my time at Solumbra I was given the opportunity to design and construct one-of-a-kind products requested by our most highly sun-sensitive customers. Each of these projects was developed for unfaltering protection and performance based on the needs of each person. I  was personally responsible for all of the design, patternmaking, and sewing required for each product.

Here you will see a hood created for a woman diagnosed with a rare condition that made her so sensitive to sunlight she could not go outside during the day without being covered from head to toe. She required a lightweight, well-ventilated hood that would allow her to comfortably eat, drink, and communicate. The clear plastic vision panel is removable for easy washing, and it also features adjustable straps and a sweatband for added comfort.

The other sun-protective projects shown include modified gloves for kayaking and other outdoor activities and a helmet drape that traveled around the USA on a motorcycle trip.

Disclaimer: All of these designs belong to Sun Precautions Inc.  Some of the specifications and details have been redacted for protection.  The information shown on this website may not be shared, copied, or recreated.  It is shown solely for portfolio purposes.

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